I suspect the essence of that message will be swept away from most Muslim's minds by the recent images plastered across the world media and potentially the negative propaganda machine that will rise to the surface.
this has a clear muslim spin to it... but it still puts forward a balanced view of recent matters.. http://www.arabnews.com/?page=5§ion=0&article=44053&d=30&m=4&y=2004.
the middle east's leading english language daily.
friday, 30, april, 2004 (11, rabi` al-awwal, 1425).
I suspect the essence of that message will be swept away from most Muslim's minds by the recent images plastered across the world media and potentially the negative propaganda machine that will rise to the surface.
the rothschilds wasn't their original name, for they went by several before choosin' this one.
one of their earlier names was the bauers one of the most notorious cult bloodlines of middle ages germany.
Interesting but the article appears to be quoting from a book by David Icke. David Icke being a man who uses his emotional instinct over thorough research and is working towards his own agenda.
I enjoy reading articles of this nature but hold them on the mental back-burner as they stray too far into conspiracy territory and can never be fully corroberated by clear and well researched evidence. So it becomes another matter of faith unto itself.
Also, whilst accepting that the current Jews are not necessarily God's chosen people; this article is helping to promote the worldwide racist propaganda & agenda.
How and who said so? If you pick the article to bits there are areas of conjecture. So if certain issues are based around conjecture, how can we trust & believe that Charles Russell had an affiliation with the Rothchilds and was a member of the supposed illuminati? Hmmm?Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were not only funded by, but CREATED by the Rothschilds
my boss lost his wife about a year ago and when her birthday came, he was very upset and his whole family got together.
i thought to myself how nice that was and how birthdays must mean so much to people.
because i was raised a jw, birthdays just don't have that kind of emotional meaning to me.
Well, I still don't celebrate birthdays. After having got out of the ritual, I personally don't want to go back again and do see the materialistic approach and egotistical side amongst my family members who do celebrate.
But... the circumstances described are understandable and if I lost one of my close loved ones I would remember them on the day they were born or when they died and put time aside to reflect. Nothing wrong with that at all IMO
Also, a friend of mine who works in a sensitive enviroment and used to serve as a JW for many years and still holds part of the belief system, bends her rules towards sick children and helps them have a good time on the day they cherish. Again, nothing wrong with that at all IMO.
maybe he/she/it isn't happy now, but can you visualise a happy god?
is the god in your belief or faith system capable of happiness?
is it emotional?
Why is He jealous if there are no other gods?
Presumably because mankind designed their own material Gods and thrust them towards the heavens?
But to answer the thread question - no idea at all. I would be happy as a God until I looked at the earth, then I would get really really pissed off at mankind. Still, not sure though. Who knows?
i do.
it's great knowing that leaving the organization has not produced our "weeping and gnashing of the teeth" as we might once have believed.
we've become free!!!!!!!!!
Please put your old avatar back - I miss the stern expression, it was superb and I felt chastised when gazing upon it. Not ever having had a strong father figure in my life meant that it was a kind of therapy
.. ahem
Nope, still feel the same low self-esteem issues that I had when I was a serving JW. Same old me, same old "feeling like crap" most days.
BUT - the freedom to read what I like and form my own opinions is a liberation that allows me space to breath mentally.
i have been saying numerous bad things about a "witness" these past few days, it's time to say something "good".. i am an artist and teach at the college level.
one of my favorite "genre" of art is "allegory", the reprentation of religious themes.
the "art work" used in the watchtower is of high quality.
To be fair - some of it is rather good. I agree.
click the link up there and if any of you haven't seen the film, i can't recommend it enough.
sheer beauty - i am only sad that i missed this years ago.. well worth the investment in terms of money and time spent.. sniff... almost makes life worth living again...
Click the link up there and if any of you haven't seen the film, I can't recommend it enough. Sheer beauty - I am only sad that I missed this years ago.
Well worth the investment in terms of money and time spent.
sniff... almost makes life worth living again...
so my mother opens the door for a discussion (via email) and i totally freeze up.
i find it almost impossible to tell her how i feel about the jw religion.
when i finally figure out what i want to say, she completely dismisses my thoughts.
So I went about my business succeeding in life and this had more effect on nephews and neices and sister-in-laws, but didn't seem to dent the immediated family.
I think that is the way forward. To cope with the real world on the outside and show that you are stronger than how they would have you be.
Ex-JWs are supposed to fall into bad ways and become corrupt in their thinking and remember - return to the vomit!!
If you haven't read it already, get a copy of "In Search Of Christian Freedom / Raymond Franz" and be uplifted by the thoughts expressed in that fine publication. It will help to strengthen your resolve, whilst taking an abstract stance away from your loved ones and still remaining in love towards them.
I have a good friend who I tried to show 'real truths' to last year and nearly broke the friendship up completely. Now, I don't even bother to mention these things and allow him to live the way he wants to. He knows how I feel and that is fine, we both know where we stand. As long as I do not stray too far into attack mode he still thinks I am with him and has hope that I will return.
I remember the Bible teaching us to "seek peace and pursue it", which I hold close to my heart. Regardless of the subjective delusional state that I consider others to be in, I personally won't attempt to usurp their own intellectual decisions & choices beyond what is reasonable.
probably dating myself, but remember all those assemblies/yearbooks, etc., that focused on the possibility that jws would suffer persecution at the hands of nazi-like regimes?
i remember attending an assembly which dramatized jw's being held, as in wwii, as having to make a choice to either "renounce?
" their jwism or die.
Satan doesn't care how many humans he has to kill to get at the Anointed.
Well he is obviously not doing too well then. There is a claimed anointed who lives by me and she happily toddles around the territory going about her business.
The idea that JWs would be the exclusive group as far as persecution is concerned is flattering themselves beyond all belief. What about other Christian groups who are equally as vigorous within their own form of worship? The Bible reminds the Christian not to be so judgemental about others who come forward in Christ's name (it was Jesus who said so) and presumably this means that other groups baring his name would likewise be in for a kicking?
As has been already mentioned above, it is exciting to feel exclusivity and in a special relationship. It is also a deceptive condition of the mind that can eventually lead a man away from the humble spirit.
left 2 years ago and surf nearly every night.
i was an elder for 11 years did circuit assembly items etc.
in fact i did everything the society said.
I know others who feel the same as you - it is not uncommon. Fortunately you still hopefully have many years to go on this earth and may be able to fill those years with greatness.
In a way, do not feel too bad about the message you carried to others, it is not worth the mental anguish. You did, afterall, what you thought was the right thing at the time and at least you gave those ones something to focus upon aside from pure material values. Those ones may have gone on to better things that benefited their own life and enriched their own spiritual pathways.
You never know, one or two may be active here or lurkers
Maybe you could build a website as a project, collate your thoughts and express them through web-based essays?
All the best to you sir.